gunboat|gunboats in English


small armed ship used in shallow waters; ship with mounted guns

Use "gunboat|gunboats" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "gunboat|gunboats" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "gunboat|gunboats", or refer to the context using the word "gunboat|gunboats" in the English Dictionary.

1. Our gunboats are ploughing the waves.

2. Oppenheimer rejected the idea of nuclear gunboat diplomacy.

3. Gunboat diplomacy was typically conducted by cruisers or smaller warships.

4. What they could not take by political intrigue they took by 'gunboat diplomacy' .

5. Two Iranian oil platforms were damaged, and five Iranian warships and gunboats were sunk.

6. Our stragglers, their courage revived by sight of the gunboats, came up the hill, seeking their regiments.

7. Eventually Bismarck yielded to the Woermann position and instructed the admiralty to dispatch a gunboat.

8. 30 Lieutenant Campbell ordered the man at the wheel to steer for the gunboat.

9. Thirty Bolshevik gunboats, mines, and armed motor launches took their toll on the allied forces.

10. Shells from our gunboats on the James came hoarsely spluttering over the heads of our troops.

11. Over the next few days, Seafires destroyed two North Korean gunboats, attacked railway tracks, small coaster vessels and oil tanks.

12. As soon as Meteor had passed the border line, Bouvet opened fire on the German gunboat.

13. William B. Preston and her charges joined British gunboat Cricket and SS Wen-chow 52 miles below Chinkiang.

14. In December 1938 the river gunboat arrived at Shanghai to relieve Augusta (CA-31) as station ship.

15. Venezuela's suspension of debt payments in 1901 led to gunboat diplomacy of the Venezuela Crisis of 1902–1903.

16. The Second Moroccan Crisis (1911) was precipitated when the German gunboat Panther was sent to Agadir on July 1, 1911, ostensibly

17. He appointed chef de bataillon Badens commandant supérieur of Nam Định, giving him a garrison of 440 men and two gunboats.

18. The gunboats now came up like a flock of hawks, and soon the Moors were Clambering over the rails

19. Business people no longer believed that gunboats and garrisons were vital for the protection and promotion of their activities.

20. With the aid of sister destroyers, she sank a number of barges, two submarine chasers, an armed boat, and a gunboat on various patrols.

21. Agadir Incident, event involving a German attempt to challenge French rights in Morocco by sending the gunboat Panther to Agadir in July 1911

22. Initially she was to be named Sentinel, but this was changed following the loss of the Dragonfly-class river gunboat Scorpion in the Bangka Strait in February 1942.

23. Jeaptiste Chaigneau, in Quy Nhơn, states in a letter, that the Tây Sơn navy had 54 battleships, 93 battleboats, 300 gunboats, and 100 saillng boats.

24. The road on the escarpment near Sollum was bombarded by a navy gunboat and targets near Sidi Barrani by two destroyers, from which fires and explosions were seen.

25. Grant's plan was to advance upon the fort on February 6 while it was being simultaneously attacked by Union gunboats commanded by Flag Officer Andrew Hull Foote.